Do you have a Wellness Toolbox?
Do you have a wellness toolbox? One that you visit with when you feel like you feel crappy for days and don’t know why?

I have always known that I am the type of person who needs so much inner life. And when I feel off for a long period of time like getting easily annoyed, losing my temper over everything, and having so much negativity, I know it’s time to sit with myself one on one. I need to address something.
Lately, I have been feeling out of whack too often, that’s when I know that I need some fine-tuning, a reset, recalibration, a reconnection if you will.
I realize that there are things that I may ignore out of my busy and full days, that are actually important for my well-being. So now, visiting with myself, I came to the conclusion that these are (so far) some of those things. Enter the wellness toolbox, which may be different for you, but you get the idea.
My Wellness Toolbox
How My Body Feels. It is so casual to say, ” I am tired” or ” I feel sluggish”. Sometimes, feeling this too often makes me think that it is actually okay to feel tired and sluggish all the time.
But actually, feeling tired makes me feel more tired. Feeling sluggish and bloated makes me feel terrible. So every time I am feeling terrible, or I get annoyed too easily, all too often it’s because I have not been listening to my body- what it needs and what it doesn’t.
It matters to me that I have the energy to tackle my daily task. To be present to my kids. To be able to carry out a convo with my husband at night without leaving him talking to himself while I unknowingly drift to sleep. So yes, how my body feels matters to me. And I get reminded why I have this affirmation in my journal each day: I have a strong body.
Silence and Solitude. Having 3 kids 10 and under, a job, and the day-to-day chores can be a real chaos. I am on the run all day, both mentally and physically- it goes on for days.
So silence and solitude, even for a short while, is my fuel stop. That is why it’s vital to me to do my morning routine. I need the space to be with myself from time to time. If I don’t give myself that, a not-so-likable version of me comes to life.
Acceptance. Do you ever resist a situation, or a period of your life because it is not the way you want them to be? I know because I most often do. When I resist something, hate on something, blame something or someone, I do not feel my best.
When I wish something is different, I feel a conflict within. Case in point, I wish that I have more time to myself: to do longer work-outs, do more yoga, to work on my blogs and so on.
Each time I miss a workout because my baby boy decides to wake up at the exact moment I step on my yoga mat, I feel so annoyed.
There are just so many things you cannot do once you are a mother.
But, I could just accept that it is the season of my life now. It is the way it is right now and everything about this stage of my life is beautiful and lovely. And it really is. I must enjoy it. Acceptance, my friends, matter to me. Acceptance makes me kinder to myself and to others.

Aspirations. Yes, acceptance is vital, but aspirations give me a sense of purpose or direction. I prefer to call them aspirations, not goals. Aspirations give me a clear sense of why I do what I am doing with regard to my job, my relationships, and my day-to-day affairs.
Knowing what it is I want and getting excited about it every day has power.
Gratitude. This is one mighty tool. Being thankful for the pleasant things in my life takes the edge off negativity. My health, my kids, my husband, my dream job. Reminding myself of how blessed I get me back on track.
How About You?
You see, I like to organize my inner landscape because when I am a mess inside, it reflects on the outside. My wellness toolbox are really subtle things but they can make a big shift in my days.
How about you? What is on your wellness toolbox and how often do you need to visit it?