My Favorite Quotes by Wayne Dyer
In this post, I have gathered some of my favorite words from one of my favorite teacher and author, Dr. Wayne Dyer. His books and teachings has majorly influenced me, the way I think and the way I live my life. Here are my Favorites Quotes by Wayne Dyer that continues to inspire me today.
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There was once a time when I was desperate, anxious and scared. During such times, I always turn to inspiring books like these 10 Inspirational Books for Women to shake off things and to give me a new perspective. Reading his books and listening to him got me through a lot of hard times. His books, and his teachings were sent to me at the perfect time of my life.
Also read: Short and Inspiring Contents to Start your Day.
Who is Dr. Wayne Dyer?
Considered to be the Father of Motivation, Dr. Wayne Dyer is a motivational speaker and a self-help author. His work are motivational, spiritual and geared to improve anyone’s way of life. Many of his books have become best sellers. And millions of people considers him as someone who changed their lives.
Though he has passed, his website Dr. Wayne Dyer is still maintained, teeming with all his teachings, writings and videos.
Among many others, here are some of his works and the ones that I have read. Each has impacted my life in a positive way. If you are looking for some motivation, or your are stuck in fear or anxiety, these may help you.
- There is A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
- Happiness is the Way
- Manifest Your Destiny
- Wisdom of the Ages
- Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life
And to give you an example of his greatness, here is a collection quotes from Wayne Dyer. I hope they inspire you the same way they inspired me.

Inspirational Wayne Dyer Quotes
The two most unnecessary emotions in life are guilt and worry“
“Remind yourself that if you can conceive it in in your mind, then it can be brought into your physical world”
“The next time you get nervous about other’s opinions, mentally look them in the eye and say ” What you think of me is none of my business”
“If you are attached to how things should be going, you’re going to find suffering in your life“
“Even if you are in the gutter, you have the option of looking at the stars“
“Attracting prosperity is just like attracting anything else in your life; It involves not being attached to it, and not giving it power over your life in any way“
“If you don’t have confidence in yourself, get off your rear end and do anything that will make you feel better about yourself“
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change“
“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life“
“If a problem arises, then go within. Get very quiet about it and find the answers inside you“
- What you think about expands. If your thoughts are centered on what you are not getting in your life, then what you are not getting, by definition, will have to expand.
- Some people believe that they live a life of lack because they’re unlucky, instead of realizing that their belief systems are rooted in scarcity thinking.
This magnificent Universe provides abundantly when you are in a state of gratitude.
Make an internal commitment to respect yourself and feel worthy of all that the Universe has to offer.
- Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.. boredom is a choice.
- There is no stress in the world, only people thinking stressful thoughts.
- Anything that bothers you is only a problem within. Only you can experience it, and only you can correct it.
- The state of your life is nothing more than a refection of your state of mind.
- The person looking back at you in the mirror is the one you have to answer to everyday.
You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality.
These quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer are all included in a book called Everyday Wisdom for Success. I do hope you choose to read or listen to one of his works and be touched and changed like the way I was.