How to Practice Self-Care Even When You are Super Busy
In a world where hustling and achieving more are the norm, looking after ourselves can sometimes turn into a stressful activity, especially during super busy times. We forget how to practice self-care and unknowingly, we compromise our focus, and well being.
When our schedules feel like too much, taking a few minutes to focus on our well-being can easily take the backburner. If you find yourself guilty of putting self-care aside in order to prioritize your responsibilities, it’s about time to change that.
Learning How to Practice Self Care even through simple ways can do wonders for your wellness and health in the long run.

Why Self-Care is Essential Even When You’re Busy
Even though you may feel tempted to put self-care as the last item on your to-do list when your schedule feels like too much, taking at least a few minutes out of your day to look after yourself is essential for your wellbeing.
Not only will self-care help you keep your physical, mental, and emotional health in check, but it can actually help you achieve better results at whatever it is that’s currently filling up your days.
Overworking can lead to reduced focus, which essentially means you’ll end up procrastinating and taking longer to complete tasks. Moreover, having all work and no play can lead to burnout, and practicing self-care will help you avoid falling into that trap.
Self-care is like a Wellness Toolbox that you need to access from time to time.
How To Practice Self-Care Even When You’re Super Busy
Now that we know why self-care is so important in general, let’s talk about the ways to practice it during extremely hectic times. Life sometimes gets extremely overwhelming, so if you’re currently experiencing a super busy few days, here are some very simple ways to practice self-care in times of emergency.
- Detox from technology
No matter how busy we are sometimes, we always seem to find ways to sneak in a bit of texting here and there as well as time spent mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and other social media platforms.
If this sounds like you, it may be a good idea to take a few days to detox yourself from technology. While we’re definitely not saying you need to bury your phone altogether, it may be a perfect opportunity to give yourself the aim to spend a very limited time online.
Not only will you be better able to concentrate on the tasks that are keeping you super busy and as a result, finish them faster, but you’ll also be saving valuable time by not sneaking in a few social media minutes here and there (trust me, they definitely add up!)
- Schedule self-care time
Regardless of how busy you may be, it’s important to take a break sometimes, and there’s no better way to achieve that without feeling guilty than by actually scheduling it into your hectic day/week.
This will not only give you something to look forward to, but knowing there’s a time you’ll enjoy ahead also helps inspire you to concentrate on your tasks so you can finish them in time. Try sneaking is some nourishing habits in a morning routine.
- Get enough sleep
If you take one tip from this list, make sure it’s this one!
Sleep is the first thing many of us tend to sacrifice during busy times, which actually happens to be counterproductive because lack of sleep translates into reduced focus, tiredness, and anxiety, all of which will affect your productivity levels and as a result, actually make finishing whatever it is you have to do much more difficult.
- Get organized
The best way to get things done in time and not get overwhelmed is by getting organized. Organization is an act of self-care because it provides a much clearer image of everything you have to do, making it suddenly feel a lot less overwhelming.
Write a to-do list, schedule out activities, and give yourself a clear view of everything there is that you need to do. While doing so, you may even realize some things aren’t that urgent, which may clear up your schedule.
P.S. Don’t forget to plan a bit of self-care time in there, too!
- Say no
Sometimes the only reason we wind up with a seemingly endless to-do list is that we lack the ability to simply say no to things we can’t/don’t want to do.
I love this book Self-Care for the Real World as it gives practical tips on setting boundaries, and cultivating joy and peace within as a form of self-care.
If you think that may be having no personal boundary is the reason you’re so busy, it’s time to learn how to set boundaries with those around you, be it your neighbor who asked you to pick up her kids at school or that boss who keeps passing on tasks that aren’t even in your field.
Remind yourself that saying no does not make you a bad person. Saying yes to everything, on the other hand, is self-sabotage.
- Excercise
We simply can’t stress enough how important moving your body (even if just a little bit) is. Being busy can make you pretty sedentary, especially if you’re spending lots of time in your car or sitting at a desk.
Even if it’s just a 20-minute run or a quick yoga session in the morning, make sure you set time aside in your schedule to get your heart pumping.
Aside from helping you keep your physical health in check, exercising can actually help you focus and feel more energized throughout the day, which will definitely help you be more productive! Exercise is one of the many ways to feel happier instantly, without a doubt.

How About You?
What are some other ways you like to practice self-care during extremely hectic times? I’d love to know if you have any other activity ideas for super busy people, so feel free to drop yours in the comment section below!