How to Feel Happier (10 Simple Tips)

Need tips on How to Feel Happier? This 10 Simple Ways to Be Happy gives you simple guidelines on how to live a happier and calmer life.

10 Simple Tips on how to feel Happier text with a background of  a woman with balloons.

The Purpose of Our Lives is To be Happy.

Dalai Lama

It is said that happiness is an inside job and I could not agree more. If you are unhappy, it is on you. A bold statement, it is. But I firmly believe that nothing can make you happy, if you believe that happiness is hard to find. And in the same way, you can be happy if you choose to.

Happiness is not an external thing indeed. With some simple practices and shift in mindset, you are on your way to feel happier if you wish to.

10 Simple Tips to Feel Happier

Take Time to Do What You Love. Spend some time each week to do something that fires you up. Try something new or maybe come back to a hobby that you have long neglected. Doing what you love has profound effect on your happiness. It stimulates your brain and eliminates boredom. Here is a great article on The Health Benefits of Doing What You Love.

I love baking, reading, going for walks. I love Yoga, cooking and I also want to play tennis. Make a list of things that you love and take the time to do them regularly.

Write in a Gratitude Journal. Gratitude is one of the most known ways to induce happiness. When you are grateful, you focus on all the positive things in your life, and you can be even be thankful for the not so good things. You see them as blessings in disguise or lessons to be learned. The Benefits of writing in a gratitude journal are immense, and my favorite one is that it allows us to cultivate happiness in difficult times.

Start A Physical Activity That You Truly Enjoy. Moving your body is scientifically proven to make you feel better. Along with numerous benefits for your body and health, moving improves your mood and decreases your stress. Try some potential movement activities that you might enjoy, and if you find the one- it will be easier to stick to it. I love Yoga, and I look forward to doing it everyday. It is important that you love your form of exercise or otherwise, it will be a drag to do it as a habit.

See Exercise as a Way to Improve How You Feel. It is easy to get stuck to the idea of exercising for the sole purpose of losing weight, or changing the way you look. These are awesome goals. However, if we focus too much on the “burn” , it is easy to feel frustrated, and worst, feel like a failure. Exercise makes us strong and it improves our wellbeing so rather than focusing on weight, exercise for the way it makes you feel and for how it strengthens your body.

Filter Your Media Consumption. We are bombarded with so much posts and info nowadays. But not everything has to come through our consciousness. Be aware of what and who you follow on social media. Do they depress you, or empower you? Align your social media consumption so that it is in harmony with your own well being and happiness.

Check out Short and Inspiring Contents to Start You Day.

Minimize on Foods that Make You Feel Sluggish. Again, there are lots of information that says we should eat this or that. At the end of the day, You know your body more than anyone does. I find that restriction makes me feel constrained and deprived. But when I focus on nurturing my body with food that nourishes me, I can eat treats and enjoy them, and not feel bad about it.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others. In this day and age, when people can share anything about their lives any time they want, it is easy to fall into a comparison rut. Notice when you find you are comparing yourself to what you see on social media. Comparing yourself to others is detrimental to your joy.

Practice the Art of Deep Breathing. Deep breathing signals the body to relax. When we breathe deep, we release tension in our bodies, and we go into relaxation mode. This is an instant way to calm yourself during stressful moments. And when done regularly, you will learn how to live with a present and calm mind- leading to happiness!

Watch Your Thoughts. One of the favorite words I often hear during my Guided Meditation is something like this: “Our lives is a direct reflection of our inner landscape” We see things through our own lenses. So, it is important that our thoughts, our inner narrative are about what we desire, and are empowering.

Live in the Now. We do not often realize that most of the things that weigh us down are worries (future), our hang ups and regrets (past) and our fears. But it is important to remind ourselves that Life is Now. The present is all we have. So if you are worrying or regretful, you are living in the past and future, both are not existing now. If we regularly practice being in the moment much of our heavy loads will lighten.

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  1. These are the best tips to be happy and live in the moment. Thanks for the informative tips.

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