10 Inspirational Books For Women
Books are a great way to motivate and inspire. Here are 10 Inspirational Books for Women with topics from relationship, self-care and careers.
Books are a great way to inspire and motivate ourselves. They transport you to different worlds. Reading gives you a fresh perspective.
Anytime I feel stuck and uninspired, I search for a new book to read. Personally, reading is one of the things I turn to to fuel my well-being, and it even helps me in the lowest points in my life.
Books that Encourages and Inspires
This collection has a wide variety of topics for women (and men too!). They have truly touched my life and gave me meaningful realizations.
There is one for relationships, for entrepreneurship and also self-care. These books will encourage and inspire you, give you a fresh take on things and make you learn something new!
10 Inspirational Books for Women
Self-Care Books
What is it about? This is a light read that gives many practical tips on how to take care of ourselves today- in a time of busy digital age bombarded with social media. The authors suggest ways on how to set boundaries to protect your peace. It makes it a point to notice how you feel, and make changes that will allow you to radiate love, joy and light.
Who is it for? It is for those who are looking to find easy ways to be more kind and gentle to themselves, and looking to add peace and ease in their daily lives.
The Make-Up of a Confident Woman.
What is it about? Not only this book gives a basic set of principles, how-to and practical tips for make up application to every kind of woman (whether you are a pro, an average or a beginner in the make up arena), it also gives enlightening wisdom on the importance of having morning minutes to empower yourself.
Who is it for? Anyone who wants to learn the art of make up application. It is for the woman who believes that a little swipe of lipstick not only brightens the face, but it also shifts the way you feel inside.
Inspiring Books for Passions, Career and Entrepreneurship
What is it about? Marie Forleo inspires the reader to go after their passions, and that for everything that you perceive as a roadblock to you dream, whether it is a career or a business, you can always figure out a way to get past them.
Who is it for? For the woman who wants to pursue a living off their passions. This is a super inspiring book to give you a boost of confidence and motivation to follow your dreams!
What is it about? Elizabeth Gilbert inspires us to let that inner magic within us to shine through. Our dreams, planted within the depths of our being, are for us to nurture and share to the world.
Who is it for? For the creator who wants a fresh perspective on how to share their passions to the world. For that individual who wants to be motivated to live a life fulfilled with their own given gifts.
What is about? My new favorite media person, Denise talks about ways on how you can work smarter and earn more in your business. She teaches important mindsets to cultivate in order to let go of the hustle and grind mindset to earn money.
Who is it for? For mompreneurs with some gigs or business, or side hustles, who wants to streamline their work habits and improve their money-making ways.
Books that Inspire a New Way of Living
What is about? This next book on our 10 Inspiring Books for Women list is one of my ultimate favorites. Rhonda Byrnes, the author the The Secret, teaches us the ultimate way to live free from the bondage of fear and worries of our daily lives. By living fully aware of our emotions and thoughts, we can learn how to navigate negative feelings, accept them and learn how to let them go.
Who is it for? For the constant worrier (me) who wants to learn a new perspective about life. For those wanting to live a life of more peacefulness and ease.
What is it about? Master Eckhart Tolle teaches us the power of being present in the Now. Truly, much of our sufferings is borne out of our mind living in the past and in anticipation of the problems of the future. None of which exists in the now.
Who is it for? For those looking to be free of the overthinking mind- worrying about the past and fearing the future.
Inspiring Personal Stories
What is about? This is such an endearing book that provokes our usual way of thinking- that heaven is a destination after this life. In this book, Anita Moorjani teaches us that the sole purpose of our lives is to love ourselves and others, be true to ourselves and make the best of it. Truly, this life is heaven if we choose to. This has practical tips, life examples and touching lessons.
Who is it for? Overall, this book will especially help anyone who is looking for a deeper insight about life.
What is it about? This is a collection of Oprah’s personal life stories that are both entertaining and insightful. Also,she shares stories about gratitude, love, joy and so many other things. This is such a heartwarming read.
Who is it for? For the reader who wants a lot of heartwarming realizations in one book-this is perfect and beyond!
Change Your Mindset, Not your Man.
What is it about? The title makes me laugh inside each time! This inspiring book motivates us to change perspective on our relationships because the big chances are, your man is not a horrible person. Change your Mindset, not your Man teaches us just that. A change in mindset will uncover lots of insightful and helpful things in a relationship.
Who is it for? For those looking to spice up their relationship with their significant others. This book is also applicable to anyone who deals with someone who pushes their buttons everyday.
What is on your list?
There you have it. My short but might list of inspiring books for you to read. Surely, this is just but a few of all the magical things anyone can read out there, so if you have your own book hero, please share and let me know!